What can one expect on a morning Delhi to Calcutta flight on a Saturday
morning ?
The feel of calcutta, straight from the boarding gate itself.
But that is not unusual. That is something that one gets on every flight or
train to calcutta.
What is unusual is that a little while after take off, the captain
announces please look outside from the left, thanks to a beautiful day,
you get a crystal clear view of the mighty Himalayas. In all splendor.
Imposing and awe inspiring they always have been, and they made this a
morning like never before.
Just when I thought it can't get better, Captain comes back on radio again,
`Ladies and gentlemen, On your left, the one, and only- MOUNT EVEREST !
The oohs and aahs give way to a pin drop silence as everyone who is awake {
and only a few lucky ones on this plane are } is leaning left, could even
have shifted the plane`s center of gravity.
The view lasts a good ten minutes, and makes the entire effort of the
morning flight worth it.
Thank you life, for yet another wonderful present !